The Influential Woman – Donda

Hey readers, this week I am back and I am discussing the power of our influence. 

This week I am specifically talking to the ladies. 

I know sometimes we may feel like our request for things fall on deaf ears. 

And this whole talk of femininity is everywhere. 

So I wanted to give two tips that Donda taught me, when it comes to the power of influence. 

First up inspire big thoughts! If you follow me, then you know I am big on mindset and renewing our minds. As we grow it is easy to get fixated on “all the things that can go wrong.” You don’t need want to be viewed as a dream killer, so instead open up your mind to positive possibilities and also allow space for curiosity. You will be surprised by the things that may come up. 

Nurture their creativity. Something I learned about Donda is, even when Kanye purposely created art the wrong way to challenge perceptions, she never criticized him, instead she nurtured his creativity. Nurture means to care for and encourage the growth of development. Once you lean into this understanding of what it truly looks like to nurture, you unlock not only the secret to influence but your power as a woman, your true feminine essence. 

Ye you play tracks, like Michael Jordan shoots free throws. The final point in my power of influence is being your significant other’s biggest cheerleader. As a believer and as a spiritual being, I want you all to understand the true power of them. 

 Remember we believe in words, we breathe life into them, we toss them into the world and they thrive. That’s exactly what your influence should be. What I loved the most about the unfolding of the documentary, is how much life Donda breathed into Kanye. Allowing him to be influenced and believe everything he was dreaming of was obtainable. Do not underestimate the life you speak into others inside and outside your home. 

Lastly, you invest. It doesn’t mean monetary investment but it could help depending on the situation, however I want to encourage time. 

For example if I see my significant other building towards something that is literally going to change the trajectory of our generational wealth line. I’m stepping in with helping to feed your mind (books, prayers, mediating together and encouraging any other mental health tips). 

I am also feeding you the appropriate nutrients you can’t fulfill and sustain such a huge calling, without the right items in your body.

I’m helping us leverage time by creating systems that help us run our home better and take some of the worry off of your shoulders.

Finally I am helping you create work life balance. I am booking staycations and spa days when I see you have been going non-stop and reminding you the importance of enjoying the fruits of your labor……so spontaneous trips or date nights of a good experience are not far-fetched. 

Again this is influence, this is femininity , this is the power of your essence. Own it!

And if you got this far and you are asking yourself “Kendal it sounds good but how do I implement it in my relationship?”, look no further. My goal is to transform how we do relationships by loving intentionality. That’s why my signature program “ Divorce Proof Your Marriage”, is the answer you have been searching for. I know you didn’t get married to get a divorce, let me help you attract or keep your forever plus one. Use the link to set up a chemistry consultation. 

As Always

Happy Dating, 


Your Sista on the Sofa,
